Diamonds in the Rough: Africa's Richest

 Diamonds in the Rough

An assessment of wealth using the Sun in the charts of Africa’s wealthiest

What this article is about

This article will demonstrate the effectiveness of using the Sun Chart for obtaining general information and specific dynamics of the financial flow possible to an individual. The chart is generally applicable to everyone born on that day, and so would be particularly obvious in the charts of people who fall in the upper percentiles of financial wealth in society. The aim of the article is to present such techniques that easily and clearly show the financial flow dynamics available using the Sun Chart to establish proper context when delineating wealth.

Forbes Africa Top 15 Wealthiest People, 2019

Forbes Africa published their Africa Billionaires list on 1 February 2019 with values measured as of 4 Jan 2019 (Forbes Africa).

Here is a summary of the list:
#1 Aliko Dangote (US$10.3 billion), Nigeria
#2 Michael Adenuga (US$9.2 billion), Nigeria
#3 Nicky Oppenheimer and family (US$7.3 billion), South Africa
#4 Nassef Sawiris (US$6.3 billion), Egypt
#5 Johann Rupert and family (US$5.3 billion), South Africa
#6 Issad Rebrab and family (US$3.7 billion), Algeria
#7 Naguib Sawiris (US$2.9 billion), Egypt
#8.1 Koos Bekker (US$2.3 billion), South Africa
#8.2 Isabel dos Santos (US$2.3 billion), Angola
#8.3 Mohamed Mansour (US$2.3 billion), Egypt
#8.4 Strive Masiyiwa (US$2.3 billion), Zimbabwe
#8.5 Patrice Motsepe (US$2.3 billion), South Africa
#9 Aziz Akhannouch and family (US$2.1 billion), Morocco
#10 Mohammed Dewji (US$1.9 billion), Tanzania
#11 Othman Benjelloun and family (US$1.7 billion), Morocco
#12 Abdulsamad Rabiu (US$1.6 billion), Nigeria
#13 Yasseen Mansour (US$1.5 billion), Egypt
#14 Yousseff Mansour (US$1.2 billion), Egypt
#15.1 Folorunsho Alakija (US$1.1 billion), Nigeria
#15.2 Michiel le Roux (US$1.1 billion), South Africa

I did not find confirmed birth dates for Mohamed Mansour (# 8.2), Aziz Akhannouch (#9), Othman Benjelloun (#11), Yasseen Mansour (#13), and Yousseff Mansour (#14), and they were not included in the work for this article. All biographical information has been gleaned from Wikipedia and websites.

But first, a few concepts before we get started.

Working with the Sun Chart

For people without a birth time, most astrologers will either look at the chart with the Sun either rising at the ascendant (i.e. Sunrise chart), or the Sun culminating on the MC (Culmination chart). These methods help the astrologer to understand the general patterns and circumstances of the life, just as the Sun, in general, indicates the collective spirit with which we resonate and partake of when we are born.

I am an advocate of interpreting charts generally first from the Sun and Moon, and finally from the Ascendant for specific details and nuances. I will always keep the Sun chart and Moon chart significations in mind when reading the chart from the Ascendant. This is because there is an enhanced value and meaning that comes into how you understand the chart when astrological archetypes are understood generally first (or universally/collectively) and then the same astrological archetypes are understood specifically. The general archetype provides the proper context for the specific, just as prenatal and postnatal circumstances beyond our control provided the environment and opportunity contexts within which our specific intentions and inclinations later manifested. Your astrological delineation and predictions are significantly enhanced in this way, by proceeding from the collective to the individual, as we are created from cosmic consciousness and subsequently specified as individual consciousness. When even the process of astrological interpretation mirrors life (as it should), life speaks to us through the symbolic language of astrology.

There is, however, an additional interpretative value which can be extracted by looking at the Sun as an ascendant (if the birth time is known) or the Sun on the ascendant (Sunrise Chart, for unknown birth times). In this article, I will demonstrate how this “Sun Chart” can be used to understand information pertaining to sustenance and wealth in a general way.

Download and read the full 17-page document with techniques and all fifteen chart examples here

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