The Mirror Sign Technique to More Accurate Interpretation
I refer to the following text from Julius Firmicus Maternus' Mathesis compendium, Book VIII, Section XXX, my parenthesis added: "Those who have their ASC in the 17th degree of Pisces will sing songs with sweet melody. But if Mars is found in that same degree, they will hang themselves with a noose (commit suicide)". WELL, THAT ESCALATED QUICKLY! But let us apply some understanding to what is going on here. Upon reflection of these two sentences, a technique emerged in my mind which I am detailing below by simple example. Pisces is rising with Mars on the Ascendant. Mars is placed in the 12th sign from Aries. Therefore Mars will also carry the signification of the 12th sign from its other sign, Scorpio. The 12th sign from Scorpio is Libra, which falls on the 8th sign of Death, and in this sign Mars is debilitated. Libra is (what I am calling) the Mirror Sign for Mars on the AC for Pisces Rising. Therefore, for Pisces rising, a general statement with Mars on the AC ...