Understanding your Little Leo
First of all, an entire personality and life inclinations cannot be boxed up by any single symbol. A proper astrological view encompasses all the symbolism reflected in a birth chart. However, the Sun being the source of life and light in our world, the symbolism of the season in which we are born plays a significant role in showing our proclivity toward certain aspirations and intent in the world. In this article, I will present information that would be useful to parents and teachers in understanding a child who has their Sun sign (commonly called Star sign) in the tropical zodiacal sign of Leo. With your child’s Sun in the sign of Leo, they have a tendency to manifest a natural will to lead others in some way, and revel in knowing that they are recognized and appreciated for leading all the way to the finish line. It’s important to understand that their value system centers around them and those who they can lead. Let me repeat that in case you didn’t read between the lines. ...