
Showing posts from April, 2016

Saturn and Self-Esteem: It's Not What You Think

 This is not going to be one of those articles that regurgitate mythology. Authors like Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas have done fantastic work in bringing mythology alive in a modern context. Rather, this article is going to present a hypothesis about how Saturn actually assists us owning our Sun. There is in fact a lot of similarity between the two, but in this article I am just going to share with you one aspect in which these two archetypes work. First, a few thoughts about the Sun and its archetypical sign, Leo. Leo strives to demonstrate its self-confidence and self-esteem. To put it simply, the journey of Leo is to demonstrate consistency in the belief of oneself. We could easily call this self-esteem. Self-esteem is the reputation you have with yourself. Self-esteem is the cumulative effect of what you think about you. It cannot be and has nothing to do with other people. It is all about your relationship with yourself. The best self-esteem, the most sustainable and resol...

Pluto, Algol, and "Tantra"

 In this article, I will briefly discuss how the significance of Tantra practice is akin to the significations of Pluto in Astrology. Agama is one of the six branches of all Sanskrit scriptural literature. The Agamas are practical manuals of worship of the Divine. The Agamas contain instructions and recommendations concerning four branches of methods i.e. Jnana (knowledge), Yoga (concentration and union), Kriya (or creating), and Charya (actions). They also detail specifics to do with magic and ritual. All the Agamas go into detail concerning three aspects of method i.e. Mantra (sound), Yantra (image), and Tantra (energy). Mantras are the sound-specific images or vibrations of all created manifestation. Yantra are the image-specific diagrams and codes related to created manifestation and beings. Tantra is the science and methods of experiencing pure awareness or consciousness which Mantra and Yantra, when combined properly, lead to. The primary goal of Tantra is to awaken Kunda...